How you can help?
The Crisis Centre for Northern BC relies heavily on the generous contributions made by community members. Your money will be used to directly support people in crisis.
Thank you in advance for your donation, please remember to include return mail information, so we can issue you a tax deductible receipt.
For more information contact us at
You may drop off or mail your donation to
Crisis Prevention, Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC
1306 7th Ave
Prince George, BC
V2L 3P1
You can also support the Crisis Centre for Northern BC, and purchase high quality products with a history of quality and reliability that stretches back 168 years.
The Crisis Centre for Northern BC has formed a partnership with Watkins -- a specialist in gourmet specialty foods, personal and home care products, and reliable medicinals. Ordering products from the Crisis Centre's Watkins site will ensure that 10% of your purchase will be donated to the Crisis Centre.
To browse the wide diversity of products available through Watkins, and to help support your Crisis Centre, please click on this link:
Accredited by AAS. Member of CASP and BCCLA |
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