Here's Help
What's New
Service Area
Mission, Philosophy & Values
History and Funders
Community Education
Are you Suicidal?
Information / How to Help
List of BC Crisis Lines
BC Distress Line Network
Why Volunteer?
Youth Line
24 Hour Line
Board of Directors
Fundraising Committee
Upcoming Training
How You Can Help
Where to Reach Us
Suicide Links
Youth Links
Mental Health Links
Links to Other BC Crisis Lines
Other Links

CRISIS LINE 250-563-1214 or 1-888-562-1214
YOUTH LINE 250-564-8336 or 1-888-564-8336


If  You Are Currently Feeling Suicidal

The pain you are currently experiencing and may have experienced for a while probably feels unbearable.  You might be feeling as if you have no other choice or no other options.  Suicide is not your only choice; there are resources and people available to help.  You may be feeling discouraged because no one has noticed your pain and offered to help.  Please talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling, many people have felt suicidal in the past and have managed to work through those feelings.  Reach out for help, call a crisis centre, talk to a professional or a friend.  THE PAIN CAN END

Please take a moment to read this article:

We receive many e-mails from individuals in crisis seeking help. To provide the best possible assistance to you, we need to speak with you directly on the phone. By talking with you anonymously and confidentially, we are best able to find out the specifics of your situation and work with you to find effective answers. We are not equipped to respond to crisis-oriented e-mails.

The 24 Hour Line operates 24 hours, 7 days a week.

250-563-1214 or 1-888-562-1214 (Northern BC)

The Youth Support Line operates 4pm – 11pm, 7 days a week.
After hours calls are directly forwarded to the 24 hour line.

250-564-8336(teen) or 1-888-564-8336 (teen) (Northern BC)

Youth Line calls are answered by youth 21 and younger

Accredited by AAS. Member of CASP and BCCLA ^ back to top