BC Distress Line Network
On September 10th, 2004 -- World Suicide Prevention Day -- five crisis centres in British Columbia opened the lines on the first province-wide suicide distress line in Canada. After years of preparation and work, the Crisis Prevention, Intervention & Information Centre for Northern BC in Prince George, Kelowna Community Resources, Mission Community Services, the Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre of BC in Vancouver, and the NEED Crisis & Information Line in Victoria have offered the people of BC another avenue for support.
This new line -- which can be reached by dialing 1-800-SUICIDE from anywhere in BC -- is available 24-hours a day, and is free. The goal of the 1-800-SUICIDE line is to ensure that no suicide call will go unanswered - that suicidal people are able to access the help they need. People who are suicidal are often feeling alone, isolated and hopeless. This is why it is so important that these people reach a human being and not a busy signal or answering machine.
The Crisis Centre for Northern BC is grateful for the funding which made this innovation possible. Our deepest thanks to Telus, The Vanouver Foundation, and the BC Hydro Employees' Community Services Fund (HYDRECS fund) for their assistance in operating this line for the first two years; and to the Provincial Health Services Authority for providing funds for the next two years.
Accredited by AAS. Member of CASP and BCCLA |
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