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Mission, Philosophy & Values
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Information / How to Help
List of BC Crisis Lines
BC Distress Line Network
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Youth Line
24 Hour Line
Board of Directors
Fundraising Committee
Upcoming Training
How You Can Help
Where to Reach Us
Suicide Links
Youth Links
Mental Health Links
Links to Other BC Crisis Lines
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CRISIS LINE 250-563-1214 or 1-888-562-1214
YOUTH LINE 250-564-8336 or 1-888-564-8336

Mission, Philosophy & Values


The Crisis Prevention, Intervention & Information Centre for Northern BC believes that it is the right of every individual, in their time of need, to have access to free, confidential, anonymous and non-judgmental peer counselling, and/or information and referrals.

Mission Statement

We provide crisis intervention, suicide prevention, resource information, education and confidential peer support for the people of Northern BC.

Value Statements

  1. We believe in non-judgmental, caring and empathic support through peer counselling.
  2. We believe in self-determination and the empowerment of individuals to reach their own decisions.
  3. We value the growth and development of individuals and community.
  4. We value having a collaborative, sharing partnership within our region.
  5. We strive to be a reliable source of accurate information for the region.
  6. We recognize and value the importance of first taking care of ourselves in order to be effective with others.
  7. We value volunteerism and the opportunities it may provide.

Accredited by AAS. Member of CASP and BCCLA ^ back to top